This article uses the Azure CLI to sign into your Azure account and obtain a token that way. There are several possible ways to obtain this token. Now that you've set up Postman and your Azure Digital Twins instance, you'll need to get a bearer token that Postman requests can use to authorize against the Azure Digital Twins APIs. Next, download the desktop version of the Postman client. You can find the subscription on your instance's Overview page in the Azure portal. The Azure subscription that you used to create the instance.You can find the host name in the Azure portal. You'll need these values to connect to the instance later: The instructions contain information to help you verify that you've completed each step successfully.Īfter you set up your instance, make a note of the following values. Otherwise, follow the instructions in Set up an instance and authentication.

If you already have an Azure Digital Twins instance set up, you can use that instance and skip to the next section. To work with Azure Digital Twins in this article, you'll need an Azure Digital Twins instance and the required permissions for using it. The rest of this section walks you through these steps. To proceed with using Postman to access the Azure Digital Twins APIs, you need to set up an Azure Digital Twins instance and download Postman. This article contains information for both API sets. For more about the difference between these API sets, see Azure Digital Twins APIs and SDKs.

You can use it to craft HTTP requests and submit them to the Azure Digital Twins REST APIs.

Postman is a REST testing tool that provides key HTTP request functionalities in a desktop and plugin-based GUI.