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* More Cars and other things coming all the time! * Stunning graphics take you into the racing world like no other game does. * Our "Auto Stage" system will do a burnout and line up for you automatically or turn it off and smoke them yourself. * Heart pounding physics make you FEEL the horse power. * Race on all of your devices with the same account and continue where you left off. * Full Multiplayer - Race against players from around the globe in tournaments and championships. * Race against friends and family in 1-on-1 races. * The most unique drag racing game available. In EV3 you actually feel like you're in control, because you are! When you drive a car in EV3 you experience all the thrills and spills of real racing. In EV3 you actually drive the car using realistic variable gas pedal, steering, braking, realistic suspension and engine/torque response.

The fun of drag racing is driving, not just pushing buttons.